Advantages of Digital Technology for Building a Brand

With customer experience at the heart of a strong brand, we explore some digital technology advantages. Digital can help you keep those important brand promises as you grow, as well as help you stand out from the crowd.

What’s a Brand?

Firstly, the meaning of brand has changed overtime. Initially it was a trademark, as in branding cattle to mark ownership. In the Forbes article “What is a Brand, Anyway?”, Jerry McLaughlin talks about the brand name being the trademark, and the brand being the customer perception of products or services.

We’re drawn to brands driven by purpose and meaning, and we look for consistency. Does every experience match our expectation? So, building a brand is as much about customer experience as anything else. So, what are the advantages of using digital technology to help meet those needs?

Customer Experience

You’ll be doing well if you can meet a customer’s specific needs and treat them as individuals. They expect to receive relevant content and be able to access information when they want it. That can mean viewing their orders and order history, wish lists, or quickly answering questions. They don’t want to spend time looking for what they want, they expect you to help them find it quickly.

Customers are likely to be using phones and mobile devices to get the information they need. That means an online portal and apps to make it easier for them.  Having data about the customer’s orders and order history, is one thing, but you might need much more data to help you tailor the experience for each customer. Chatbots and personalisation engines may also assist customers find what they need.

You can improve experiences and ensure that your systems and processes are up to scratch by designing a business system. Our guide, Business System: An Essential Guide to Growth helps you get better results by design.

Keeping Brand Promises

We know it’s not all about those wow moments, it’s about consistency across the board. That can be harder as you grow. So, what are the advantages of using digital technology to keep all those brand promises:

  • Access to the right information when you need it
  • Tools to help you get things done
  • Staying on top of where things are in a process
  • Track what you’re doing, so you stay on target
  • Organisation of tasks and information so you can scale


There are constant breakthroughs in digital technology, which means there are innovation advantages. What wasn’t possible a few years ago, is now possible. This means you can challenge industry assumptions, giving you first mover advantage. You can also take an idea from one industry and use that in your industry.


We’ve seen some advantages of using digital technology to build a stronger brand. In summary, these are:

  • Better customer experience
  • Operational efficiency
  • Innovation in new products and services

Many find a structured approach to planning and using digital technology achieve better business outcomes. If you’d like to have a chat about your requirements, give me a call on 01344 266567 or contact me on or DM on LinkedIn to arrange a meeting.

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